Picasso Functions

Picasso main module

Picasso calibration

lib.calibration.DouglasPeucker(signal, height, epsilon, heightBase, heightTop, maxHThick, window_size)

DOUGLASPEUCKER simplify signal according to Douglas-Peucker algorithm.


[ sigIndx ] = DouglasPeucker(signal, height, epsilon, heightBase, heightTop, maxHThick, window_size)

signal: array

Molecule corrected signal. [MHz]

height: array

height. [m]

epsilon: float

maximum distance.

heightBase: float

minimun height for the algorithm. [m]

heightTop: float

maximum height for the algorithm. [m]


maximum spatial thickness of each segment. [m]

window_size: integer

size of the average smooth window.

sigIndx: array

index of the signal that stands for different segments of the signal.



  • 2017-12-29: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2018-07-29: Add the height range for the searching instead of SNR restriction.

  • 2018-07-31: Add the maxHThick argument to control the maximum thickness of each output segment.x

lib.calibration.depolCali(signal_t, bg_t, signal_x, bg_x, time, polCaliPAngStartTime, polCaliPAngStopTime, polCaliNAngStartTime, polCaliNAngStopTime, TR_t, TR_x, caliHIndxRange, SNRmin, sigMax, rel_std_dplus, rel_std_dminus, segmentLen, smoothWin)

DEPOLCALI polarization calibration for PollyXT lidar system.

[polCaliEta, polCaliEtaStd, polCaliFac, polCaliFacStd, depol_cal_time] = depolCali(signal_t,

bg_t, signal_x, bg_x, time, polCaliPAngStartTime, polCaliPAngStopTime, polCaliNAngStartTime, polCaliNAngStopTime, TR_t, TR_x, caliHIndxRange, SNRmin, sigMax, rel_std_dplus, rel_std_dminus, segmentLen, smoothWin, flagShowResults)

signal_t: matrix

background-removed photon count signal at total channel. (nBins * nProfiles)

bg_t: matrix

background at total channel. (nBins * nProfiles)

signal_x: matrix

background-removed photon count signal at cross channel. (nBins * nProfiles)

bg_x: matrix

background at cross channel. (nBins * nProfiles)

time: array

datenum array represents the measurement time of each profile.

polCaliPAngStartTime: array

datenum array represents the start time that the polarizer rotates to the positive angle.

polCaliPAngStopTime: array

datenum array represents the stop time that the polarizer rotates to the positive angle.

polCaliNAngStartTime array

datenum array represents the start time that the polarizer rotates to the negative angle.

polCaliNAngStopTime: array

datenum array represents the end time that the polarizer rotates to the negative angle.

TR_t: float

tranmission at total channel.

TR_x: float

transmision at cross channel.

caliHIndxRange: 2-element array

range of height indexes at which the signal can be used for polarization calibration.

SNRmin: array

minimum SNR for calibration.

sigMax: array

maximum signal that could be used in the calibration to prevent pulse pileup effects. (Photon Count)

rel_std_dplus: float

maximum relative uncertainty of dplus that is allowed.

rel_std_dplus: float

maximum relative uncertainty of dminus that is allowed.

segmentLen: integer

segement length for testing the variability of the calibration results to prevent of cloud contamintaion.

smoothWin: integer

width of the sliding window for smoothing the signal.

flagShowResults: logical

flag to control whether to save the intermediate results.

polCaliEta: array

eta from polarization calibration.

polCaliEtaStd: array

uncertainty of eta from polarizatrion calibration.

polCaliFac: array

polarization calibration factor.

polCaliFacStd: array

uncertainty of polarization calibration factor.

polCaliStartTime: array

start time for each successful calibration.

polCaliStopTime: array

stop time for each successful calibration.

globalAttri: struct

all the information about the depol calibration.

  1. Freudenthaler, V.: About the effects of polarising optics on lidar signals and the Δ90 calibration, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4181-4255, 10.5194/amt-9-4181-2016, 2016.

  • 2018-07-25: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2019-06-08: If no depol cali, return empty array.

  • 2019-09-06: Remove the part to replace the bins of low SNR with NaN, because it will lead to bias when doing smoothing.

lib.calibration.pollyMDR(sigT, bgT, sigC, bgC, Rt, RtStd, Rc, RcStd, depolConst, depolConstStd, minSNR, deftMDR, deftMDRStd)

POLLYMDR etimate the molecular depolarization ratio according to the measurements at reference height.


[MDR, MDRStd, flagDeft] = pollyMDR(sigT, bgT, … sigC, bgC, Rt, RtStd, Rc, RcStd, depolConst, depolConstStd, … minSNR, deftMDR, deftMDRStd)

sigT: array

signal strength of the total channel at reference height. [photon count]

bgT: array

background of the total channel at reference height. [photon count]

sigCross: array

signal strength of the cross channel at reference height. [photon count]

bgCross: array

background of the cross channel at reference height. [photon count]

Rt: scalar

transmission ratio in total channel

RtStd: scalar

uncertainty of the transmission ratio in total channel

Rc: scalar

transmission ratio in cross channel

RcStd: scalar

uncertainty of the transmission ratio in cross channel

depolConst: scalar

depolarzation calibration constant. (transmission ratio for the parallel component in cross channel and total channel)

depolConstStd: scalar

uncertainty of the depolarization calibration constant.

minSNR: float

the SNR constrain for the the signal strength at reference height. Choose a strong constrain for ensuring a stable result, like 50 or 100.

deftMDR: float

default molecular depolarization ratio.

deftMDRStd: float

default std of molecular depolarization ratio.

MDR: float

retrieved molecular depolarization ratio.

MDRStd: float

std of retrieved molecular depolarization ratio.

flagDeft: logical

flag to show whether using the default values. If true, it means default MDR and MDRStd were used.

  • 2021-05-31: first edition by Zhenping

lib.calibration.pollyMolPolCali(tSig, bgTSig, cSig, bgCSig, TR_t, TR_t_std, TR_c, TR_c_std, minSNR, mdr, mdrStd)

POLLYMOLPOLCALI molecular polarization calibration.


[polCaliEta, polCaliEtaStd, polCaliFac, polCaliFacStd] = pollyMolPolCali(tSig, bgTSig, cSig, bgCSig, TR_t, TR_t_std, TR_c, TR_c_std, minSNR, mdr, mdrStd)

tSig: numeric

total signal. (photon count)

bgTSig: numeric

background at total channel. (photon count)

cSig: numeric

cross signal. (photon count)

bgCSig: numeric

background at cross channel. (photon count)

TR_t: scalar

transmission ratio at total channel

TR_t_std: scalar

uncertainty of the transmission ratio at total channel

TR_c: scalar

transmission ratio at cross channel

TR_c_std: scalar

uncertainty of the transmission ratio at cross channel.

minSNR: float

the SNR constrain for the the signal strength at reference height. Choose a strong constrain for ensuring a stable result, like 50 or 100.

mdr: float

default molecular depolarization ratio.

mdrStd: float

default std of molecular depolarization ratio.

polCaliEta: array

polarization calibration eta.

polCaliEtaStd: array

uncertainty of polarization calibration eta.

polCaliFac: array

polarization calibration factor.

polCaliFacStd: array

uncertainty of polarization calibration factor.


Baars, H., Ansmann, A., Althausen, D., Engelmann, R., Heese, B., Muller, D., Artaxo, P., Paixao, M., Pauliquevis, T., and Souza, R.: Aerosol profiling with lidar in the Amazon Basin during the wet and dry season, J Geophys Res-Atmos, 117, 10.1029/2012jd018338, 2012.

  • 2021-07-06: first edition by Zhenping

lib.calibration.pollyPolCali(data, transRatio, varargin)

POLLYPOLCALI calibrate the PollyXT cross channels for 355 and 532 nm with ±45° method.


[polCaliEta, polCaliEtaStd,polCaliFac, polCaliFacStd, polCaliTime, polCaliAttri] = pollyPolCali(data, transRatio)

data: struct


transRatio: array

transmission ratios at each channel.

wavelength: char

‘355nm’ or ‘532nm’.

depolCaliMinBin: numeric

minimum search index for stable polarization calibration constants.


maximum search index for stable polarization calibration constants.

depolCaliMinSNR: numeric

minimum signal-noise ratio for calculating polarization calibration constants.

depolCaliMaxSig: numeric

maximum signal in photon count (to avoid signal saturation).

relStdDPlus: numeric

maximum relative std of dplus that is allowed.

relStdDMinus: numeric

maximum relative std of dminus that is allowed.

depolCaliSegLen: numeric

segement length for testing the variability of the calibration results to prevent of cloud contamintaion.

depolCaliSmWin: numeric

width of the sliding window for smoothing the signal.

dbFile: char

absolute path of the calibration database file.

pollyType: char

polly version. (‘arielle’)

flagUsePrevDepolConst: logical

whether to use previous calibration constants.

flagDepolCali: logical

whether to perform depolarization calibration.

default_polCaliEta: numeric

default eta for polarization calibration.


uncertainty of default eta for polarization calibration.

polCaliEta: numeric

polarization calibration eta.

polCaliEtaStd: numeric

uncertainty of eta for polarization calibration.

polCaliFac: numeric

polarization calibration constant.

polCaliFacStd: numeric

uncertainty of polarization calibration constant.

polCaliTime: 2-element array

time of depolarization calibration.

polCaliAttri: struct

polly polarization calibration attributes.

  • 2018-12-17: First edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-08-28: Add flag to control whether to do polarization calibration.

  • 2020-04-18: Generalise the interface.

lib.calibration.pollyRayleighFit(height, sig, sigPCR, bg, mSig, varargin)

POLLYRAYLEIGHFIT search reference height with Rayleigh fit algorithm.


[refHInd, DPInd] = pollyRayleighFit(height, sig, sigPCR, bg, mSig)

height: array

height. (m)

sig: array

lidar signal. (photon count)

sigPCR: array

lidar signal. (photon count rate)

bg: array

background. (photon count)

mSig: array

molecular signal.

minDecomLogDist: float

maximum distance for Douglas-Peucker algorithm (default: 0.2).

maxDecomHeight: numeric

maximum height for signal decomposition (default: 10000). (m)

maxDecomThickness: numeric

maximum spatial thickness for each segment (default: 1500). [m]

decomSmWin: numeric

smoothing window for signal as input for Douglas-Peucker algorithm (default: 40).

minRefThickness: numeric

minimum spatial thickness for each segment

minRefDeltaExt: numeric

constrain for the uncertainty of the regressed extinction coefficient in the reference height. (see test 3 in Baars et al, ACP, 2016)

minRefSNR: numeric

minimum SNR for the signal at the reference height (default: 5).

heightFullOverlap: numeric

minimum height with full overlap (default: 600). (m)

flagSameRef: logical

flag to determine whether use default reference height and decomposition points (default: false).

defaultRefH: 2-element array

default reference height (default: [NaN, NaN]). (m)

defaultDPInd: array

default decomposition points by Douglas-Peucker algorithm (default: []).

printLevel: numeric

print level. 0, 1, 2: print details while running. 3, 4, 5: hide prompts while running.

refHInd: 2-element array

[base, top] index of the reference height.

DPInd: array

index of the signal that stands for different segments of the signal.

  • 2021-05-25: first edition by Zhenping

lib.calibration.pollyWVCali(height, sig387, bg387, sig407, E_tot_1064_IWV, E_tot_1064_cali, E_tot_1064_cali_std, wvCaliStarttime, wvCaliStoptime, IWV, flagWVCali, flag407On, trans387, trans407, rhoAir, sunriseTime, sunsetTime, varargin)

POLLYWVCALI water vapor calibration.

[wvconst, wvconstStd, globalAttri] = pollyWVCali(height, sig387, bg387, …

sig407, E_tot_1064_IWV, E_tot_1064_cali, E_tot_1064_cali_std, … wvCaliStarttime, wvCaliStoptime, IWV, flagWVCali, flag407On, … trans387, trans407, rhoAir)

height: numeric

height. (m)

sig387: numeric

signal at 387 nm.

bg387: numeric

background at 387 nm

sig407: numeric

signal at 407 nm

E_tot_1064_IWV: numeric

integral 1064 nm signal when external IWV measurements were done.

E_tot_1064_cali: numeric

integral 1064 nm signal.

E_tot_1064_cali_std: numeric

integral of signal at 1064 nm.

wvCaliStarttime: numeric

water vapor calibration start time.

wvCaliStoptime: numeric

water vapor calibration stop time.

IWV: numeric

integral water vapor.

flagWVCali: logical

water vapor calibration flag.

flag407On: logical

flag of channel status at 407 nm.

trans387: numeric

transmittance at 387 nm.

trans407: numeric

transmittance at 407 nm.

rhoAir: numeric

air density.

sunriseTime: numeric

sunrise time.

sunsetTime: numeric

sunset time.

hWVCaliBase: numeric

base height of water vapor calibration range.

hFullOL387: numeric

minimum height of full overlap at 387 nm.

minSNRWVCali: numeric

minimum SNR for water vapor calibration.

wvconst: array

water vapor calibration constant. [g/kg]

wvconstStd: array

uncertainty of water vapor calibration constant. [g/kg]

globalAttri: struct
cali_start_time: array

water vapor calibration start time. [datenum]

cali_stop_time: array

water vapor calibration stop time. [datenum]

WVCaliInfo: cell

calibration information for each calibration period.

IntRange: matrix

index of integration range for calculate the raw IWV from lidar.


Dai, G., Althausen, D., Hofer, J., Engelmann, R., Seifert, P., Bühl, J., Mamouri, R.-E., Wu, S., and Ansmann, A.: Calibration of Raman lidar water vapor profiles by means of AERONET photometer observations and GDAS meteorological data, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 2735-2748, 2018.

  • 2018-12-26: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-08-08: Add the sunrise and sunset to exclude the low SNR calibration periods.

lib.calibration.rayleighfit(height, sig_aer, pc, bg, sig_mol, dpIndx, layerThickConstrain, slopeConstrain, SNRConstrain, flagShowDetail)

RAYLEIGHFIT search the clean region with rayleigh fit algorithm.

[ hBIndx, hTIndx ] = rayleighfit(height, sig_aer, sig_mol, dpIndx,

layerThickConstrain, slopeConstrain, SNRConstrain, flagShowDetail)

height: array

height. [m]

sig_aer: array

range corrected signal.

pc: array

photon count signal.

bg: array


sig_mol: array

range corrected molecular signal.

dpIndx: array

index of the region which is calculated by Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

layerThickConstrain: float

constrain for the reference layer thickness. [m]

slopeConstrain: float

constrain for the uncertainty of the regressed extinction coefficient in the reference height. (see test 3 in Baars et al, ACP, 2016)

SNRConstrain: float

minimum SNR for the signal at the reference height.

flagShowDetail: boolean

if flagShowDetail is true, the calculation information will be printed. Default is false.

hBIndx: int

index of the bottom of the searched region. If the region is not found, NaN will be returned.

hTIndx: int

index of the top of the searched region. If the region is not found, NaN will be returned.


Baars, H., et al. (2016). “An overview of the first decade of Polly NET: an emerging network of automated Raman-polarization lidars for continuous aerosol profiling.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16(8): 5111-5137.

  • 2018-01-01: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2018-07-05: Add the SNR constrain for the reference height.

  • 2019-01-01: change the single array to double to avoid overflow in chi2fit.

  • 2019-05-26: Strengthen the criteria for Near-Far Range test. Old: (meanSig_aer + deltaSig_aer) >= meanSig_mol; New: (meanSig_aer + deltaSig_aer/3) >= meanSig_mol

  • 2019-08-03: Using the SNR for the final determination. The higher SNR of the reference, the better.

  • 2019-09-15: Fix the bug in slope criteria.

Picasso classification

lib.classification.VDE_cld(signal, height, BG, minLayerDepth, minHeight, smoothWin, minSNR)

VDE_CLD cloud layer detection with VDE method. THis method only required elstic signal.

signal: array

raw signal without background. [photon count]

height: array

height above the ground. [km]

BG: numeric

background signal. [photon count]

minLayerDepth: numeric

minimun layer geometrical depth (default: 0.2). [km]

minHeight: numeric

minimum height to start the searching with (default: 0.4). [km]

smoothWin: numeric

smoothindow in bins (default: 3).

minSNR: numeric

minimum layer SNR to filter the fake features (default: 5).

layerInfo: struct array
id: numeric

identity of the layer.

baseHeight: numeric

the layer base height. [km]

topHeight: numeric

the layer top height. [km]

peakHeight: numeric

the layer height with maximum backscatter signal. [km]

layerDepth: numeric

geometrical depth of the layer. [km]

flagCloud: logical

cloud flag.

PD: array

SDP signal.

PN: array

VDE signal


  1. Zhao, C., Y. Wang, Q. Wang, Z. Li, Z. Wang, and D. Liu (2014), A new cloud and aerosol layer detection method based on micropulse lidar measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119(11), 6788-6802.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

lib.classification.detectLiquidBits(height, bsc1064, varargin)

DETECTLIQUIDBITS detect liquid cloud bits.


flagLiquid = detectLiquidBits(height, bsc1064, cloudThresBsc1064, minAttnBsc1064, p.Results.searchCloudAbove, p.Results.searchCloudBelow)

height: numeric

height. (m)

bsc1064: matrix (height x time)

particle backscatter at 1064 nm.

cloudThresBsc1064: numeric

threshold of cloud backscatter at 1064 nm.

minAttnBsc1064: numeric

minimum attanuation required to detect liquid cloud.

searchCloudAbove: numeric

cloud search window above current bit. (m)


cloud search window below current bit. (m)


flagLiquid: logical (height x time)

  • 2021-06-05: first edition by Zhenping

lib.classification.targetClassify(height, attBeta532, quasiBsc1064, quasiBsc532, quasiPDR532, VDR532, quasiAE, varargin)

TARGETCLASSIFY aerosol/cloud target classification.


[tc_mask] = targetClassify(height, attBeta532, quasiBsc1064, quasiBsc532, quasiPDR532, VDR532, quasiAE)

height: numeric

height. (m)

attBeta532: matrix (height x time)

attenuated backscatter at 532 nm.

quasiBsc1064: matrix (height x time)

quasi particle backscatter at 1064 nm. (m^{-1}sr^{-1})

quasiBsc532: matrix (height x time)

quasi particle backscatter at 532 nm. (m^{-1}sr^{-1})

quasiPDR532: matrix (height x time)

quais particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm

VDR532: matrix (height x time)

volume depolarization ratio at 532 nm

quasiAE: matrix (height x time)

quasi Ångström exponents.


clearThresBsc1064: numeric turbidThresBsc1064: numeric turbidThresBsc532: numeric dropletThresPDR: numeric spheriodThresPDR: numeric unspheroidThresPDR: numeric iceThresVDR: numeric iceThresPDR: numeric largeThresAE: numeric smallThresAE: numeric cloudThresBsc1064: numeric minAttnRatioBsc1064: numeric searchCloudAbove: numeric searchCloudBelow: numeric hFullOL: numeric

tc_mask: matrix

‘0: No signal’ ‘1: Clean atmosphere’ ‘2: Non-typed particles/low conc.’ ‘3: Aerosol: small’ ‘4: Aerosol: large, spherical’ ‘5: Aerosol: mixture, partly non-spherical’ ‘6: Aerosol: large, non-spherical’ ‘7: Cloud: non-typed’ ‘8: Cloud: water droplets’ ‘9: Cloud: likely water droplets’ ‘10: Cloud: ice crystals’ ‘11: Cloud: likely ice crystal


Baars, H., Seifert, P., Engelmann, R. & Wandinger, U. Target categorization of aerosol and clouds by continuous multiwavelength-polarization lidar measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10, 3175-3201, doi:10.5194/amt-10-3175-2017 (2017).

  • 2021-06-05: first edition by Zhenping

Picasso cloud-mask

lib.cloudmask.cloudDetect_Zhao(time, height, signal, bg, varargin)

CLOUDDETECT_ZHAO cloud layer detection based on Zhao’s algorithm.


% Usecase 1: get the cloud mask flagCloudFree = cloudDetect_Zhao(time, height, signal, bg);

% Usecase 2: specify the detection range [flagCloudFree, layerStatus] = cloudDetect_Zhao(time, height, signal, bg, ‘detectRange’, [0, 8000])

% Usecase 3: specify the minimum layer depth [flagCloudFree, layerStatus] = cloudDetect_Zhao(time, height, signal, bg, ‘minDepth’, 500);

time: array

measurement time for each profile. (datenum)

height: array

height above ground. (m)

signal: matrix (height x time)

signal. (photon count)

bg: array

background. (photon count)

minDepth: double

minimum layer depth (default: 100). (m)

detectRange: 2-element array

bottom and top height for cloud detection (default: [0, 10000]). (m)

heightFullOverlap: double

minimum height with full overlap (default: 600). (m)

smoothWin: integer

smooth window (default: 8). (bins)

minSNR: double

minimum layer mean signal-noise-ratio (default: 1).

flagCloudFree: array

cloud free mask for each profile.

layerStatus: matrix (height x time)

layer status for each bin. (0: unknown; 1: cloud; 2: aerosol)


  1. Zhao, C., Y. Wang, Q. Wang, Z. Li, Z. Wang, and D. Liu (2014), A new cloud and aerosol layer detection method based on micropulse lidar measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119(11), 6788-6802.

  • 2021-05-18: first edition by Zhenping

lib.cloudmask.cloudScreen(time, height, signal, varargin)

CLOUDSCREEN cloud screen.


% Usecase 1: get the cloud mask flagCloudFree = cloudScreen(time, height, signal);

% Usecase 2: cloudscreen with using signal gradient flagCloudFree = cloudScreen(time, height, signal, ‘mode’, 1, ‘detectRange’, [0, 8000], ‘slope_thres’, 1e7)

% Usecase 3: cloudscreen with using Zhao’s algorithm [flagCloudFree, layerStatus] = cloudScreen(time, height, signal, ‘mode’, 2, ‘minDepth’, 500);

time: array

measurement time for each profile. (datenum)

height: array

height above ground. (m)

signal: matrix (height x time)

signal. (photon count)

mode: integer

1: with using signal gradient (default) 2: with using Zhao’s algorithm

minDepth: double

minimum layer depth (default: 100). (m)

detectRange: 2-element array

bottom and top height for cloud detection (default: [0, 10000]). (m)

heightFullOverlap: double

minimum height with full overlap (default: 600). (m)

smoothWin: integer

smooth window (default: 8). (bins)

minSNR: double

minimum layer mean signal-noise-ratio (default: 1).

background: array

background (default: 0 for each profile). (photon count)

slope_thres: double

threshold of the slope to determine whether there is strong backscatter signal (default: 0). [MHz*m]

flagCloudFree: array

cloud free mask for each profile.

layerStatus: matrix (height x time)

layer status for each bin. (0: unknown; 1: cloud; 2: aerosol)


Zhao, C., Y. Wang, Q. Wang, Z. Li, Z. Wang, and D. Liu (2014), A new cloud and aerosol layer detection method based on micropulse lidar measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119(11), 6788-6802.

  • 2021-05-18: first edition by Zhenping

lib.cloudmask.cloudScreen_MSG(time, height, signal, slope_thres, search_region)

CLOUDSCREEN_MSG cloud screen with maximum signal gradient.


flagCloudFree = cloudScreen_MSG(height, signal, slope_thres, search_region)

time: array

measurement time for each profile.

height: array

height. [m]

signal: matrix (height * time)

photon count rate. [MHz]

slope_thres: float

threshold of the slope to determine whether there is strong backscatter signal. [MHz*m]

search_region: 2-elements array

[baseHeight, topHeight]. [m]

flagCloudFree: boolean

whether the profile is cloud free.

layerStatus: matrix (height x time)

layer status for each bin. (0: unknown; 1: cloud; 2: aerosol)

  • 2021-05-18: first edition by Zhenping

Picasso io

lib.io.decompressPollyData(startDate, endDate, saveFolder, PicassoConfigFile, varargin)

DECOMPRESSPOLLYDATA Unzip the polly data and write data info to the todolist file for pollynet processing chain.


decompressPollyData(startDate, endDate, saveFolder, PicassoConfigFile)

startDate: numeric

start date of polly data to be decompressed. i.e, datenum(2015, 1, 1) stands for Jan 1st, 2015.

endDate: numeric

stop date of polly data to be decompressed.

saveFolder: char

polly data folder. e.g., /oceanethome/pollyxt

PicassoConfigFile: char

the absolute path of the pollynet configuration file. e.g., /home/picasso/Pollynet_Processing_Chain/config/pollynet_processing_chain_config.json

pollyType: char

polly instrument. e.g., arielle

mode: char

If mode was ‘a’, the polly data info will be appended. If ‘w’, a new todofile will be created.

  • 2019-07-21: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-10-16: Add warnings when no polly data files were found.

lib.io.extract_cali_results(dbFile, csvFilepath, varargin)

EXTRACT_CALI_RESULTS extract calibration results from SQLite database to ASCII files.


% Usecase 1: convert single table extract_cali_results(‘/path/to/dbFile’, ‘/path/to/csvFile’, ‘tablename’, ‘lidar_calibration_constant’);

% Usecase 2: convert all tables extract_cali_results(‘/path/to/dbFile’, ‘/path/to/csvFile’);

% Usecase 3: add prefix for csv files extract_cali_results(‘/path/to/dbFile’, ‘/path/to/csvFile’, ‘prefix’, ‘arielle-‘);

dbFile: char

absolute path of database file.

csvFilepath: char

output folder for the csv file.

tablename: char

table name that needs to be extracted (regular expression is supported). (defaults: ‘.*’)

prefix: char

prefix for the ASCII filename.

SQLiteReadMode: char

‘database_toolbox’ (default) or ‘jdbc’

csvFilenames: cell

absolute path for extracted ASCII files.

csvFileID: cell

identifier (table name) for respective csv file.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.fillmissing(xIn, varargin)

FILLMISSING fill the missing values in input array.


[xOut] = fillmissing(xIn, varargin)

xIn: array or matrix

input array which could contain some values that you want to replace.

xOut: array or matrix

after the missing values were filled.

  • 2021-06-26: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.loadConfig(configFile, globalConfigFile)

LOADCONFIG load configurations


[config] = loadConfig(configFile, globalConfigFile)

configFile: char

absolute path of the configuration file.

globalConfigFile: char

absolute path of the global configuration file.

config: struct


  • 2021-04-07: first edition by Zhenping


LOADCONFIGPRIVATE load key-value paired configuration file, and convert it into matlab struct.


[thisConfig] = loadConfigPrivate(configFile)

configFile: char

absolute path the configuration file. This file should only contain the key=value pair and with comments start with ‘#’. e.g., # This is an example user=”Zhenping” password=’123’

thisConfig: struct

this struct contains all the valid key-value pairs in the configuration file. The comments will be filtered and any line start with whitespace will be filtered as well.

lib.io.loadDepolConst(queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength, varargin)

LOADDEPOLCONST load depolarization calibration constant from database.


[depolconst, depolconstStd, caliStartTime, caliStopTime] = loadDepolConst(queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength)

queryTime: datenum

query time.

dbFile: char

absolute path of the SQLite database.

pollyType: char

polly name. (case-sensitive)

wavelength: char

wavelength (‘355’ or ‘532’).

deltaTime: datenum

search range for the query time. (default: NaN)

flagClosest: logical

flag to control whether to return the closest value only. (default: false) (default: false)

flagBeforeQuery: logical

flag to control whether to return records with calibration time before queryTime. (default: false)

depolconst: array

depolarization calibration constant.

depolconstStd: array

uncertainty of depolarization calibration constant.

caliStartTime: array

calibration start time for each record.

caliStopTime: array

calibration stop time for each record.

  • 2021-06-08: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.loadLiConst(queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength, caliMethod, telescope, varargin)

LOADLICONST load lidar calibration constant from database.


[liconst, liconstStd, caliStartTime, caliStopTime] = loadLiConst(queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength, caliMethod)

queryTime: datenum

query time.

dbFile: char

absolute path of the SQLite database.

pollyType: char

polly name. (case-sensitive)

wavelength: char

wavelength (‘355’, ‘532’, ‘1064’, ‘387’ or ‘607’).

caliMethod: char

calibration method (‘Klett_Method’, ‘Raman_Method’, ‘AOD_Constrained_Method’)

telescope: char

detection range. (‘far_range’, or ‘near_range’)

deltaTime: datenum

search range for the query time. (default: NaN)

flagClosest: logical

flag to control whether to return the closest value only. (default: false) (default: false)

flagBeforeQuery: logical

flag to control whether to return records with calibration time before queryTime. (default: false)

liconst: array

lidar calibration constant.

liconstStd: array

uncertainty of lidar calibration constant.

caliStartTime: array

calibration start time for each record.

caliStopTime: array

calibration stop time for each record.

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.loadMeteor(mTime, asl, varargin)

LOADMETEOR read meteorological data.


[temp, pres, relh, wins, wind, meteorAttri] = loadMeteor(mTime, asl)

mTime: array

query time.

asl: array

height above sea level. (m)

meteorDataSource: str

meteorological data type. e.g., ‘gdas1’(default), ‘standard_atmosphere’, ‘websonde’, ‘radiosonde’

gdas1Site: str

the GDAS1 site for the current campaign.

gdas1_folder: str

the main folder of the GDAS1 profiles.

radiosondeSitenum: integer

site number, which can be found in doc/radiosonde-station-list.txt.

radiosondeFolder: str

the folder of the sonding files.

radiosondeType: integer

file type of the radiosonde file. 1: radiosonde file for MOSAiC (default) 2: radiosonde file for MUA

flagReadLess: logical

flag to determine whether access meteorological data by certain time interval. (default: false)

method: char

Interpolation method. (default: ‘nearest’)

isUseLatestGDAS: logical

whether to search the latest available GDAS profile (default: false).

temp: matrix (time * height)

temperature for each range bin. [°C]

pres: matrix (time * height)

pressure for each range bin. [hPa]

relh: matrix (time * height)

relative humidity for each range bin. [%]

wins: matrix (time * height)

wind speed. (m/s)

meteorAttri: struct
dataSource: cell

The data source used in the data processing for each cloud-free group.

URL: cell

The data file info for each cloud-free group.

datetime: array

datetime label for the meteorlogical data.

  • 2021-05-22: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.loadPollyConfig(pollyConfigFile, pollyGlobalConfigFile)

LOADPOLLYCONFIG load polly configurations from polly config file.


[pollyConfig] = loadPollyConfig(pollyConfigFile, pollyGlobalConfigFile)

pollyConfigFile: char

absolute path of polly config file.

pollyGlobalConfigFile: char

absolute path of polly global config file.

pollyConfig: struct

polly configurations. Details can be found in doc/polly_config.md

  • 2018-12-16: First edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-08-01: Remove the conversion of depol cali time. (Don’t need to set the depol cali time any more)

  • 2019-08-03: Add global polly config for unify the defaults polly settings.

lib.io.loadWVConst(queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, varargin)

LOADWVCONST load water vapor calibration constant from database.


[wvconst, wvconstStd, caliStartTime, caliStopTime, caliInstrument, instrumentMeasTime] = loadWVConst(queryTime, dbFile, pollyType)

queryTime: datenum

query time.

dbFile: char

absolute path of the SQLite database.

pollyType: char

polly name. (case-sensitive)

deltaTime: datenum

search range for the query time. (default: NaN)

flagClosest: logical

flag to control whether to return the closest value only. (default: false)

flagBeforeQuery: logical

flag to control whether to return records with calibration time before queryTime. (default: false)

wvconst: array

water vapor calibration constant. (g*kg^{-1})

wvconstStd: array

uncertainty of water vapor calibration constant. (g*kg^{-1})

caliStartTime: array

calibration start time for each record.

caliStopTime: array

calibration stop time for each record.

caliInstrument: cell

intrument used in the water vapor calibration for each record.

instrumentMeasTime: array

timestamp for the data measured by the standard instrument.

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYREADTEMPS read polly housekeeping data saved in a temporary file.


[res] = pollyReadTemps(file)

file: char

filename. (absolute filename)

res: struct
time: datenum array

log time.

T1064: array

temperature of the 1064 PMT

pyro: array

laser energy

T1: array

temperature 1

RH1: array

RH 1

T2: array

temperature 2

RH2: array

RH 2

Tout: array

temperature outside

RHout: array

RH outside

Status: array


Dout: array

D outside

  • 2019-09-28: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2021-02-14: Add error catch processing.


POLLYSAVEATTNBETA save attenuated backscatter.




data: struct

  • 2019-01-10: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-16: Extended the attributes for all the variables and comply with the ACTRIS convention.

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


POLLYSAVECLOUDINFO save cloud layering information to netcdf file.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYSAVENRATTNBETA save near-field attenuated backscatter.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYSAVENRPROFILES save profiles of aerosol optical properties.





  • 2019-08-06: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression


POLLYSAVEOCATTNBETA save overlap corrected attenuated backscatter.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYSAVEOCPROFILES saving vertical profiles of aerosol properties.





  • 2021-06-08: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.pollySaveOverlap(data, file)

POLLYSAVEOVERLAP save overlap function.


pollySaveOverlap(data, file)


data: struct file: char

  • 2018-12-21. First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-16. Extended the attributes for all the variables and comply with the ACTRIS convention.

  • 2019-09-27. Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


POLLYSAVEPROFILES save the retrieved results, including backscatter, extinction coefficients, lidar ratio, volume/particles depolarization ratio and so on.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-08: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYSAVEQSIV1 save quasi-retrieving (V1) results.




data: struct

  • 2018-12-30: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-16: Extended the attributes for all the variables and comply with the ACTRIS convention.

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


pollySaveQsiV2 save quasi-retrieving (V2) results.




data: struct

  • 2019-08-03: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


POLLYSAVETCV1 save aerosol/cloud target classification products.




data: struct

  • 2018-12-30: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-16: Extended the attributes for all the variables and comply with the ACTRIS convention.

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


POLLYSAVETCV2 save target classification results (V2)




data: struct

  • 2018-12-30: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-16: Extended the attributes for all the variables and comply with the ACTRIS convention.

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


POLLYSAVEVDR save volume depolarization ratio.




data: struct

  • 2019-01-10: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-16: Extended the attributes for all the variables and comply with the ACTRIS convention.

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


POLLYSAVEWV save water vapor products.




data: struct

  • 2019-03-15: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-16: Extended the attributes for all the variables and comply with the ACTRIS convention.

  • 2019-09-27: Turn on the netCDF4 compression.


POLLYWRITEDONELIST Write processing information to done list file and generate report for the current task. These report can be used for further examination.


[reportStr] = pollyWriteDonelist(data)


data: struct


reportStr: char

  • 2021-06-21: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.print_msg(inStr, varargin)

PRINT_MSG Print message.


% Usercase 1: print message print_msg(‘Hello world!’); % Usercase 2: print message with timestamp print_msg(‘Hello world!’, ‘flagTimestamp’, true);

inStr: char

input char array

mode: digit

0: normal mode 1: log mode (default)

flagSimpleMsg: logical

simple message flag. (default: true)

flagTimestamp: logical

flag to control whether add timestamp for the message. (default: false)

  • 2021-04-06: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readAERONET(site, mdate, level, flagFilterNegAOD)

READAERONET This function determines the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from a collocated photometer. Available AOD values for a specified day are returned. Data is downloaded for the specified location from Aeronet website: http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov/new_web/aerosols.html The function accesses the appropriate aeronet website first. This way the website is triggered to create a compressed file with the requested data. This file is accessed and unzipped into a temporary file. The temporary file is then read and finally deleted. AOD values and corresponding time along with the link to the aeronet website are returned.


[measTime, AOD, wavelength, IWV, angstrexp440_870, AERONETAttri] = readAERONET(site, date, level)

site: char

AERONET site. You can find the nearest site by referring to doc/AERONET-station-list.txt

mdate: integer or two-element array

the measurement day or [startDate, endDate]. [datenum]

level: char

product level. (‘10’, ‘15’, ‘20’)

flagFilterNegAOD: logical

flag to control whether to filter out the negative AOD values. (default: true)

measTime: array

time of each measurment point.

AOD_{wavelength}: array

AOD at wavelength.

wavelength: array

wavelength of each channel. [nm]

IWV: array

Integrated Water Vapor. [kg * m^{-2}]

angstrexp440_870: array

angstroem exponent 440-870 nm

AERONETAttri: struct
URL: char

URL to retrieve the data.

level: char

product level. (‘10’, ‘15’, ‘20’)

status: logical

status to show whether retrieve the data successfully.

IWVUnit: char

unit of integrated water vapor. [kg * m^{-2}]

location: char


PI: char

PI of the current AERONET site.

contact: char

email of the PI.

  • 2017-12-19: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2018-06-22: Add ‘TreatAsEmpty’ keyword to textscan function to filter N/A field in AERONET data.

  • 2018-12-23: Second Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-02-06: Add ‘flagFilterNegAOD’ to keyword to enable filtering out negative AOD values.

  • 2019-09-01: Enable download the AERONET data between two dates.


READDEFAULTOL Read default overlap function from file.


[height, overlap] = readDefaultOL(file)

file: char

overlap file. The format of this file can be referred to doc/polly_defaults.md

height: array

height for each range bin. [m]

overlap: array

overlap function.

  • 2021-05-22: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readGDAS1(tRange, gdas1site, folder, varargin)

READGDAS1 read gdas1 file


[alt, temp, pres, relh] = readGDAS1(tRange, gdas1site, folder)

tRange: 2-element array

search range.

gdas1site: char

the location for gdas1. Our server will automatically produce the gdas1 products for all our pollynet location. You can find it in /lacroshome/cloudnet/data/model/gdas1

isUseLatestGDAS: logical

whether to search the latest available GDAS profile (default: false).

alt: array

altitute for each range bin. [m]

temp: array

temperature for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [C]

pres: array

pressure for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [hPa]

rh: array

relative humidity for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [%]

wins: array

wind speed [m/s]

wind: array

wind direction. [degree]

gdas1file: char

filename of gdas1 file.

  • 2018-12-22.:First Edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readIWV(instrument, clFreTime, varargin)

READIWV read integrated water vapor from external instruments, like sunphotometer or microwave radiometer.


[IWV, globalAttri] = readIWV(instrument, clFreTime, varargin)

instrument: char

instrument for providing integral water vapor (IWV) measurements. ‘AERONET’ or ‘MWR’

clFreTime: matrix

start and stop time of cloud free segments. [[startTime1, stopTime1]; [startTime2, stopTime2], …]

AERONETSite: char

AERONET site (default: leipzig).


IWV from AERONET (default: []). [kg * m^{-2}]

AERONETTime: numeric

measurement time for IWV measurements (default: []).

MWRFolder: char

folder of microwave radiometer (MWR) results (default: ‘’).

MWRSite: char

microwave radiometer deployed site (default: ‘leipzig’).

maxIWVTLag: numeric

maximum temporal offset between IWV measurements and lidar measurements. (default: datenum(0,1,0,2,0,0))

PI: char

PI (default: ‘’).

contact: char

contact of PI (default: ‘’).

IWV: array

integrated water vapor. (kg * m^{-2})

source: char

data source. (‘AERONET’, ‘MWR’ or else)

site: char

measurement site.

datetime: array

datetime of applied IWV.

PI: char


contact: char


  • 2018-12-26: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-05-19: Fix the bug of returning empty IWV when more than 2 MWR files were found.

lib.io.readLogBook(logbookFile, nChannel)

READLOGBOOK read logbook information from logbookFile.


[logbook] = readLogBook(logbookFile, nChannel)

logbookFile: char

filename of the logbook file.

nChannel: int32

number of all the channels.

logbook: struct
datetime: array

datetime for applying the changes.

changes: struct

flagOverlap: logical flagWindowwipe: logical flagFlashlamps: logical flagPulsepower: logical flagRestart: logical

flag_CH_NDChange: logical matrix (IDs * nChannel)

logical to show whether there is ND filter changes in certain channels.

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


READMWR read integrated water vapor from the microwave radiometer outputs.


[tIWV, IWV, IWVErr, IWVAttri] = readMWR(files)

files: char | cell

absolute paths of the netcdf files for saving the IWV results from HATPRO. Generally, you can find the data in our rsd server. Detailed information you can contact with Patric Seifert.

IWV: array

intergrated water vapor. [kg*m^{-2}]

tIWV: array

time for each bin. [datenum]

IWVErr: float

standar deviation of IWV. [kg*m^{-2}]

IWVAttri: struct
institution: char


contact: char


source: char

data source or instrument.

site: char


  • 2019-01-03: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-12-02: Add support for reading multiple files.

lib.io.readMeteor(measTime, varargin)

READMETEOR Read meteorological data according the input meteorological data type.


[alt, temp, pres, relh, attri] = readMeteor(measTime)

measTime: datenum

the measurement time.

meteorDataSource: str

meteorological data type. e.g., ‘gdas1’(default), ‘standard_atmosphere’, ‘websonde’, ‘radiosonde’

gdas1Site: str

the GDAS1 site for the current campaign.

gdas1_folder: str

the main folder of the GDAS1 profiles.

radiosondeSitenum: integer

site number, which can be found in doc/radiosonde-station-list.txt.

radiosondeFolder: str

the folder of the sonding files.

radiosondeType: integer

file type of the radiosonde file. - 1: radiosonde file for MOSAiC (default) - 2: radiosonde file for MUA

isUseLatestGDAS: logical

whether to search the latest available GDAS profile (default: false).

alt: array

height above the mean sea surface. [m]

temp: array

temperature for each range bin. [C]

pres: array

pressure for each range bin. [hPa]

relh: array

relative humidity for each range bin. [%]

wins: array

wind speed. [m/s]

wind: array

wind direction. [°]

attri: struct
dataSource: cell

meteorological data used in the data processing for each cloud-free group.

URL: cell

data file info for each cloud-free group.

datetime: array

datetime label for the meteorlogical data.

  • 2019-07-20: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2020-04-16: rewrite the function interface

lib.io.readPolly1stLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

READPOLLY1STLASERLOGBOOK Read housekeeping data from the zipped laserlogbook file.


health = readPolly1stLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

file: char

the full filename.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the laserlogbook file.

health: struct
time: datenum array


AD: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [a.u.]

EN: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [mJ]

counts: array

flashlamp used counts.

Temp1: array

temperature for the transmitting chamber. [degree celsius]

Temp2: array

temperature for the receiving chamber. [degree celsius]

WT: array

water temperature. [degree celsius]

LS: array

laser shutter. (031010000 stands for ‘shutter open’, otherwise means ‘closed’)

Temp1064: array

1064 PMT temperature. [degree celsius]

OutsideTemp: array

environment temperature. [degree celsius]

OutsideRH: array

environment relative humidity. [%]

  • 2021-04-12: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readPolly1v2Laserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

readPolly1v2Laserlogbook Read housekeeping data from the zipped laserlogbook file


[output] = readPolly1v2Laserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

file: char

the full filename.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the laserlogbook file.

health: struct
time: datenum array


AD: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [a.u.]

EN: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [mJ]

counts: array

flashlamp used counts.

ExtPyro: array

raw output energy (ExtPyro). [mJ]

Temp1064: array

temperature for the PMT at 1064nm channel. [degree celsius]

Temp1: array

temperature for the transmitting chamber. [degree celsius]

Temp2: array

temperature for the receiving chamber. [degree celsius]

OutsideRH: array

RH outside the polly system. [%]

OutsideT: array

temperature outside the Polly system. [degree celsius]

roof: array

status to show whether the roof is closed.

rain: array

status to show whether it is raining.

shutter: array

status to show whether the shutter is closed.

  • 2021-04-12: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readPollyDefaults(deftFile, globalDeftFile)

READPOLLYDEFAULTS Read polly default settings.


[defts] = readPollyDefaults(deftFile)

deftFile: char

absoluta path of the polly defaults file.


default settings for polly lidar system.

  • 2021-04-10: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readPollyLaserlogbook(laserlogFile, varargin)

READPOLLYLASERLOGBOOK Read polly laserlog book file.


[laserlogs] = readPollyLaserlogbook(laserlogFile)

laserlogFile: char

absolute path of the laserlog book file.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the laserlog book file.

pollyType: char

polly type.

laserlogs: struct
time: datenum array


AD: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [a.u.]

EN: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [mJ]

counts: array

flashlamp used counts.

ExtPyro: array

raw output energy (ExtPyro). [mJ]

Temp1064: array

temperature for the PMT at 1064nm channel. [degree celsius]

Temp1: array

temperature for the transmitting chamber. [degree celsius]

Temp2: array

temperature for the receiving chamber. [degree celsius]

OutsideRH: array

RH outside the polly system. [%]

OutsideT: array

temperature outside the Polly system. [degree celsius]

roof: array

status to show whether the roof is closed.

rain: array

status to show whether it is raining.

shutter: array

status to show whether the shutter is closed.

  • 2021-04-10: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readPollyRawData(file, varargin)

READPOLLYRAWDATA Read polly raw data.


data = readPollyRawData(file)

file: char

absolute path of the polly data.

flagFilterFalseMShots: logical

whether to filter out profiles with false shots number.

flagCorrectFalseMShots: logical

whether to correct false shots number.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the data files after extracting the data.

dataFileFormat: char

parsing rules for polly data filename.

deltaT: numeric

integration time (in seconds) for single profile. (default: 30)

data: struct
rawSignal: array

signal. [Photon Count]

mShots: array

number of the laser shots for each profile.

mTime: array

datetime array for the measurement time of each profile.

depCalAng: array

angle of the polarizer in the receiving channel. (>0 means calibration process starts). [degree]

zenithAng: numeric

zenith angle of the laser beam. [degree]

repRate: float

laser pulse repetition rate. [s^-1]

hRes: float

spatial resolution [m]

mSite: char

measurement site.

deadtime: matrix (channel x polynomial_orders)

deadtime correction parameters.

lat: float

latitude of measurement site. [degree]

lon: float

longitude of measurement site. [degree]

alt: float

altitude of measurement site. [degree]

filenameStartTime: datenum

start time extracted from filename.

  • 2018-12-16: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2019-07-08: Read the ‘laser_rep_rate’.

  • 2020-04-16: Unify the argument interface.

  • 2021-02-03: Extract start time from polly data filename.

lib.io.readPollyXTCGELaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

READPOLLYXTCGELASERLOGBOOK Read housekeeping data from the zipped laserlogbook file


health = readPollyXTCGELaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

file: char

the full filename.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the laserlogbook file.

health: struct
time: datenum array


AD: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [a.u.]

EN: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [mJ]

counts: array

flashlamp used counts.

Temp1: array

temperature for the transmitting chamber. [degree celsius]

Temp2: array

temperature for the receiving chamber. [degree celsius]

WT: array

water temperature. [degree celsius]

LS: array

laser shutter.

HV1064: array

high voltage for 1064. [V]

  • 2021-04-12: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readPollyXTDWDLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

READPOLLYXTDWDLASERLOGBOOK Read housekeeping data from the zipped laserlogbook file


health = readPollyXTDWDLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

file: char

the full filename.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the laserlogbook file.

health: struct
time: datenum array


AD: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [a.u.]

EN: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [mJ]

counts: array

flashlamp used counts.

ExtPyro: array

raw output energy (ExtPyro). [mJ]

Temp1064: array

temperature for the PMT at 1064nm channel. [degree celsius]

Temp1: array

temperature for the transmitting chamber. [degree celsius]

Temp2: array

temperature for the receiving chamber. [degree celsius]

OutsideRH: array

RH outside the polly system. [%]

OutsideT: array

temperature outside the Polly system. [degree celsius]

roof: array

status to show whether the roof is closed.

rain: array

status to show whether it is raining.

shutter: array

status to show whether the shutter is closed.

  • 2018-08-05: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2019-08-04: Parse nearly all available information in the laserlogbook. (That’s cool.)

lib.io.readPollyXTIfTLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

READPOLLYXTIFTLASERLOGBOOK Read housekeeping data from the zipped laserlogbook file


health = readPollyXTIfTLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

file: char

the full filename.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the laserlogbook file.

health: struct
time: datenum array


AD: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [a.u.]

EN: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [mJ]

counts: array

flashlamp used counts.

Temp1: array

temperature for the transmitting chamber. [degree celsius]

Temp2: array

temperature for the receiving chamber. [degree celsius]

WT: array

water temperature. [degree celsius]

LS: array

laser shutter. (031010000 stands for ‘shutter open’, otherwise means ‘closed’)

Temp1064: array

1064 PMT temperature. [degree celsius]

OutsideTemp: array

environment temperature. [degree celsius]

OutsideRH: array

environment relative humidity. [%]

  • 2021-04-12: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.readPollyXTLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

READPOLLYXTLASERLOGBOOK Read housekeeping data from the zipped laserlogbook file


health = readPollyXTLaserlogbook(file, flagDeleteData)

file: char

the full filename.

flagDeleteData: logical

flag to control whether to delete the laserlogbook file.

health: struct
time: datenum array


AD: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [a.u.]

EN: array

laser energy (measured inside laser head.) [mJ]

counts: array

flashlamp used counts.

ExtPyro: array

raw output energy (ExtPyro). [mJ]

Temp1064: array

temperature for the PMT at 1064nm channel. [degree celsius]

Temp1: array

temperature for the transmitting chamber. [degree celsius]

Temp2: array

temperature for the receiving chamber. [degree celsius]

OutsideRH: array

RH outside the polly system. [%]

OutsideT: array

temperature outside the Polly system. [degree celsius]

roof: array

status to show whether the roof is closed.

rain: array

status to show whether it is raining.

shutter: array

status to show whether the shutter is closed.

  • 2018-08-05: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2019-08-04: Parse nearly all available information in the laserlogbook.

lib.io.readSonde(file, fileType, missingValue)

READSONDE read radiosonde data from netCDF file.


[alt, temp, pres, relh, datetime] = readSonde(file, fileType)

file: str

filename of radiosonde data file.

fileType: integer

file type of the radiosonde file. - 1: radiosonde file for MOSAiC (default) - 2: radiosonde file for MUA

missingValue: double

missing value for filling the empty bins. These values need to be replaced with NaN to be compatible with the processing program.

alt: array

altitute for each range bin. [m]

temp: array

temperature for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [C]

pres: array

pressure for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [hPa]

relh: array

relative humidity for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [%]

wins: array

wind speed [m/s]

wind: array

wind direction. [degree]

datetime: datenum

datetime for the radiosonde data.


The radiosonde file should be in netCDF and must contain the variable of ‘altitude’, ‘temperature’, ‘pressure’ and ‘RH’. Below is the description of each variable. (detailed information please see example in ‘..exampleconvert_radiosonde_data')

double altitude(altitude=6728);

:unit = “m”; :long_name = “Height of lidar above mean sea level”; :standard_name = “altitude”; :axis = “Z”;

double pressure(altitude=6728);

:unit = “hPa”; :long_name = “air pressure”; :standard_name = “pressure”; :_FillValue = -999.0; // double

double temperature(altitude=6728);

:unit = “degree celsius”; :long_name = “air temperature”; :standard_name = “temperature”; :_FillValue = -999.0; // double

double RH(altitude=6728);

:unit = “%”; :long_name = “relative humidity”; :standard_name = “RH”; :_FillValue = -999.0; // double

  • 2019-07-19: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-07-28: Add the criteria for empty file.

  • 2019-12-18: Add fileType to specify the type of the radiosonde file.

lib.io.readWebsonde(measTime, tRange, sitenum)

READWEBSONDE search the closest radionsde based on the ui in http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html. And read the data.


[alt, temp, pres, rh, wins, wind, globalAttri] = readWebsonde(measTime, tRange, sitenum)

measTime: float

polly measurement time. [datenum]

tRange: 2-element array

search range for the online radiosonde. [current whole day]

sitenum: integer

site number, which can be found in doc/radiosonde-station-list.txt. You can update the list with using download_radiosonde_list.m

alt: array

altitute for each range bin. [m]

temp: array

temperature for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [C]

pres: array

pressure for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [hPa]

rh: array

relative humidity for each range bin. If no valid data, NaN will be filled. [%]

wind: array

wind direction. [degree]

wins: array

wind speed [m/s]

globalAttri: struct

URL: URL which can be used to retrieve the current returned values. datetime: measurement time for current used sonde. [datenum] sitenum: site number for current used sonde.

  • 2021-05-24: first edition by Zhenping


READ_CAMP_AND_CONFIG read pollynet campaign link file.


[PicassoCampLinks] = read_camp_and_config(PicassoLinkFile)

PicassoLinkFile: char

absolute path of the pollynet config link file.

PicassoCampLinks: struct

instrument: cell location: cell camp_starttime: array camp_stoptime: array latitude: array longitude: array asl: array config_starttime: array config_stoptime: array config_file: cell process_func: cell default_file: cell caption: cell comment: cell

  • 2021-04-07: first edition by Zhenping


READ_FILEINFO_NEW read new file info.


[fileinfo_new] = read_fileinfo_new(file)

file: char

filename of the fileinfo_new which locates in todo_filelist

fileinfo_new: struct
todoPath: cell

path of the todo_filelist

dataPath: cell

directory to the respective polly lidar data

dataFilename: cell

filename of the polly data

zipFile: cell

filename of the zipped polly data

dataSize: array

file size of the zipped polly data

pollyType: cell

polly lidar label. e.g., ‘POLLYXT_TROPOS’

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.read_processed_data(instrument, parameter, hRange, tRange, resFolder)

READ_PROCESSED_DATA read processed data from pollynet processing program in the given range.


[time, height, res] = read_processed_data(instrument, parameter, tRange, resFolder)

instrument: str
polly instrument. {‘pollyxt_lacros’, ‘pollyxt_noa’,

‘pollyxt_tropos’, ‘pollyxt_fmi’, ‘arielle’}

parameter: str

the label of the parameter which you want to extract. data LC_aeronet_1064nm LC_aeronet_355nm LC_aeronet_532nm LC_klett_1064nm LC_klett_355nm LC_klett_532nm LC_raman_1064nm LC_raman_355nm LC_raman_532nm attenuated_backscatter_1064nm attenuated_backscatter_355nm attenuated_backscatter_532nm target_classification target_classification_V2 volume_depolarization_ratio_355nm volume_depolarization_ratio_532nm

hRange: 2-element array

vertical range. [km]

tRange: 2-element array (datenum)

start time and end time of the extraction.

resFolder: str

the folder of saving the processign results.

time: array

measurement time.

height: array

height above ground. (m)

res: matrix (height x time)

target parameters.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.saveDepolConst(dbFile, depolconst, depolconstStd, dcStartTime, dcStopTime, pollyDataFilename, pollyType, wavelength)

SAVEDEPOLCONST save polarization calibration results.

saveDepolConst(dbFile, depolconst, depolconstStd, dcStartTime,

dcStopTime, pollyDataFilename, pollyType, wavelength)

dbFile: char

absolute path of the database.

depolconst: array

polarization calibration constants.

depolconstStd: array

uncertainty of polarization calibration constants.

dcStartTime: array

start time of each calibration period.

dcStopTime: array

stop time of each calibration period.

pollyDataFilename: char

the polly netcdf data file.

pollyType: char

polly type. (case-sensitive)

wavelength: char

wavelength. (‘355’, ‘532’ or ‘1064’)

  • 2021-06-08: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.saveLiConst(dbFile, liconst, liconstStd, lcStartTime, lcStopTime, pollyDataFilename, pollyType, wavelength, caliMethod, telescope)

SAVELICONST save lidar calibration results.


saveLiConst(dbFile, liconst, liconstStd, lcStartTime, lcStopTime, pollyDataFilename, pollyType, wavelength, caliMethod)

dbFile: char

absolute path of the database.

liconst: array

lidar calibration constants.

liconstStd: array

uncertainty of lidar calibration constants.

lcStartTime: array

start time of each calibration period.

lcStopTime: array

stop time of each calibration period.

pollyDataFilename: char

the polly netcdf data file.

pollyType: char

polly type. (case-sensitive)

wavelength: char

wavelength. (‘355’, ‘532’, ‘1064’, ‘387’ or ‘607’)

caliMethod: char

applied lidar calibration method. (‘Klett_Method’, ‘Raman_Method’ or ‘AOD_Constrained_Method’)

telescope: char

detection range. (‘near_range’, or ‘far_range’)

  • 2021-06-08: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.saveWVConst(dbFile, wvconst, wvconstStd, WVCaliInfo, IWVAttri, pollyDataFilename, pollyType)

SAVEWVCONST save water vapor calibration results.


saveWVConst(dbFile, wvconst, wvconstStd, WVCaliInfo, IWVAttri, pollyDataFilename, pollyType)

dbFile: char

absolute path of the database.

wvconst: array

water vapor calibration constants. [g*kg^{-1}]

wvconstStd: array

uncertainty of water vapor calibration constants. [g*kg^{-1}]

WVCaliInfo: struct
source: char

data source. (‘AERONET’, ‘MWR’ or else)

site: char

measurement site.

datetime: array

datetime of applied IWV.

PI: char


contact: char


IWVAttri: struct
cali_start_time: array

water vapor calibration start time. [datenum]

cali_stop_time: array

water vapor calibration stop time. [datenum]

WVCaliInfo: cell

calibration information for each calibration period.

IntRange: matrix

index of integration range for calculate the raw IWV from lidar.

pollyDataFilename: char

the polly netcdf data file.

pollyType: char

polly type. (case-sensitive)

  • 2018-12-19: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-02-12: Remove the bug for saving flagCalibration at some time with no calibration constants.

  • 2019-08-09: Saving the real applied water vapor constant instead of the defaults. And remove the outputs of the function.

lib.io.selectDepolConst(depolconst, depolconstStd, depolCaliStartTime, depolCaliStopTime, queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength, varargin)

SELECTDEPOLCONST select the most suitable eta of polarization calibration.


[dcUsed, dcUsedStd, dcUsedStartTime, dcUsedStopTime] = selectDepolConst(depolconst, depolconstStd, depolCaliTime, queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength)

depolconst: array

depolarization calibration constant.

depolconstStd: array

uncertainty of depolarization calibration constant.

depolCaliStartTime: array

start time for each depolarization calibration period. (datenum)

depolCaliStopTime: array

stop time for each depolarization calibration period. (datenum)

queryTime: datenum

query time for searching the depolarization calibration constant.

dbFile: char

full path of the depol calibration file.

pollyType: char

polly type. (case-sensitive)

wavelength: char

wavelength (‘355’ or ‘532’)

flagUsePrevDepolConst: logical

flag to control whether to search for depolarization calibration constants from the database.

flagDepolCali: logical

flag to control whether to use depolarization calibration constants.

deltaTime: datenum

maximum time lapse between query time and calibration time of old calibration results.

default_polCaliEta: double

default depolarization calibration constant, which will be used if no suitable calibration results were found.

default_polCaliEtaStd: double

uncertainty of default depolarization calibration constant.

dcUsed: double

depolarization calibration constants.

dcUsedStd: double

uncertainty of depolarization calibration constants.

dcUsedStartTime: double

depolarization calibration start time. (0 was set if there was no successful depolarization calibration.)

dcUsedStopTime: double

depolarization calibration stop time. (0 was set if there was no successful depolarization calibration.)

  • 2021-06-08: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.selectLiConst(liconst, liconstStd, caliStartTime, caliStopTime, queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength, telescope, varargin)

SELECTLICONST select the most suitable lidar constant.


[lcUsed, lcUsedStd, lcUsedTag, lcUsedWarning] = selectLiConst(liconst, liconstStd, caliStartTime, caliStopTime, queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, wavelength)

liconst: array

lidar calibration constants.

liconstStd: array

uncertainty of lidar constants.

caliStartTime: array

start time for each lidar calibration period. (datenum)

caliStopTime: array

stop time for each lidar calibration period. (datenum)

queryTime: datenum

query time for searching the lidar calibration constant.

dbFile: char

path of SQLite database, which contains lidar calibration results.

pollyType: char

polly type name. (case-sensitive)

wavelength: char

wavelength (‘355’, ‘532’, ‘1064’, ‘387’ or ‘607’)

telescope: char

detection range. (‘near_range’, or ‘far_range’)

flagUsePrevLC: logical

flag to control whether to search for lidar calibration constants from the database.

flagLCCalibration: logical

flag to control whether to use lidar calibration constants.

deltaTime: datenum

maximum time lapse between query time and calibration time of old calibration results.

default_liconst: double

default lidar calibration constant, which will be used if no suitable calibration results were found.

default_liconstStd: double

uncertainty of default lidar calibration constant.

lcUsed: double

lidar constant that will be used. (photon_count * m^3 * sr)

lcUsedStd: double

uncertainty of lidar constant. (photon_count * m^3 * sr)

lcUsedTag: integer

source of the applied lidar constant. (1: klett; 2: raman; 3: defaults; 4: history)

lcUsedWarning: logical

flag to show whether the calibration constant is unstable.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.selectWVConst(wvconst, wvconstStd, IWVAttri, queryTime, dbFile, pollyType, varargin)

SELECTWVCONST select the most appropriate water vapor calibration constant.


[wvconstUsed, wvconstUsedStd, wvconstUsedInfo] = selectWVConst(wvconst, wvconstStd, IWVAttri, queryTime, dbFile, pollyType)

wvconst: array

water vapor calibration constants. [g*kg^{-1}]

wvconstStd: array

uncertainty of water vapor calibration constants. [g*kg^{-1}]

IWVAttri: struct
datetime: array

water vapor calibration time. [datenum]

WVCaliInfo: cell

calibration information for each calibration period.

IntRange: matrix

index of integration range for calculate the raw IWV from lidar.

queryTime: datenum

query time for searching the water vapor calibration constant.

dbFile: char

path of SQLite database, which contains water vapor calibration results.

pollyType: char

polly type name. (case-sensitive)

flagUsePrevWVConst: logical

flag to control whether to search for the water vapor calibration constants from the database.

flagWVCalibration: logical

flag to control whether to use water vapor calibration constants.

deltaTime: datenum

maximum time lapse between query time and calibration time of old calibration results.

default_wvconst: double

default water vapor calibration constant, which will be used if no suitable calibration results were found.

default_wvconstStd: double

uncertainty of default water vapor calibration constant.

wvconstUsed: float

applied water vapor calibration constants.[g*kg^{-1}]

wvconstUsedStd: float

uncertainty of applied water vapor calibration constants. [g*kg^{-1}]

wvconstUsedInfo: struct
flagCalibrated: logical

flag to show whether the applied constant comes from a successful calibration. If not, the result comes from the defaults.

IWVInstrument: char

the instrument for external standard IWV measurement

nIWVCali: integer

number of successful water vapor calibration.

  • 2018-12-19: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-08-16: Fix bug for taking defaults when there was no calibration instead of taking the previous calibration results.

  • 2020-04-18: Update the interface.

lib.io.writeTodoListAuto(pollyAppConfigFile, picassoConfigFile, pollyDataBaseDir, minDataSize, tSearchStart, tSearchRange, flagCheckGDAS1)

WRITETODOLISTAUTO Search the updated polly data in the server with comparing its file size with the file size saved in the database. And also checked the GDAS1 status together if ‘flagCheckGDAS1’ was set true. The modified zipped files will be extracted to the todopath and the fileinfo_new file will be created to trigger the Picasso.


[flag] = writeTodoListAuto(pollyAppConfigFile, picassoConfigFile, pollyDataBaseDir, minDataSize, tSearchStart, tSearchRange, flagCheckGDAS1)

pollyAppConfigFile: char

filename of the pollyAPP private configuration file. e.g., ‘~/pollyAPP/config/config.private’

picassoConfigFile: char

filename of the picasso global configuration file. e.g., ‘~/Pollynet_Processing_Chain/config/pollynet_processing_chain_config.json’

pollyDataBaseDir: char

root directory for holding polly data e.g., ‘/pollyhome’

minDataSize: integer

minumum size of the polly data to trigger the processing. [bytes]

tSearchStart: datenum

start time for searching the polly data file.

tSearchRange: datenum

search range for searching the polly data file before the tSearchStart.

flagCheckGDAS1: logical

flag to control whether to reprocess the data when GDAS1 files were ready.

flag: logical

status for the whole process.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

lib.io.write_2_donelist(file, permission, lidar, location, startTime, stopTime, last_update, lambda, imageFile, level, thisinfo, nc_zip_file, nc_zip_file_size, active, GDAS1, GDAS1_timestamp, lidar_ratio, software_version, product_type, product_starttime, product_stoptime)

WRITE_2_DONELIST Write info of each generated pic to donelist file.


write_2_donelist(file, permission, lidar, location, startTime, endTime, last_update, lambda, imageFile, level, thisinfo, nc_zip_file, nc_zip_file_size, active, GDAS1, GDAS1_timestamp, lidar_ratio, software_version, comment);

file: char

filename of the done list file.

permission: char

file access type.

lidar: char

lidar label. Please go to /doc/pollynet.md for detailed information.

location: char

location of the current measurement campaign. This info can be found in /config/pollynet_processing_chain_link.txt

startTime: char

start time of the current measurement. (yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS)

stopTime: char

stop time for the current logged data file. (yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS)

last_update: char

last updated time for the image. (yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS)

lambda: char

wavelength label for the image.

imageFile: char

relative directory of the image.

level: char

level of the image. (Need to be updated)

thisinfo: char

information about the image. (like which configurations you’ve used for the retrieving.)

nc_zip_file: char

data file.

nc_zip_file_size: char

size of the data file.

active: char

flag to show whether the lidar is well operated.

GDAS1: char

flag to show whether the GDAS1 data is used for the retrievign.

GDAS1_timestamp: char

timestamp for the used GDAS1 file. (yyyymmddHH)

lidar_ratio: char

lidar ratio.

software_version: char

software version

product_type: char

identification for different lidar product.

product_starttime: char

the start time for the current product. (yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS)

product_stoptime: char

the stop time for the current product. (yyyymmdd HH:MM:SS)

  • 2019-01-04. First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-02-15. Add two params of ‘product_starttime’ and ‘nproduct_stoptime’.

  • 2019-03-12. Add input parameter of ‘product_type’ according to the requirement of new pollyWebApplication.

  • 2019-08-16. Add the criteria for ‘imageFile’. If the image doesn’t exist, throw an warning instead of writing to the done_fielist.

lib.io.write_laserlogbook(file, data, mode)

WRITE_LASERLOGBOOK create laserlogbook file with the given laserlogbook data.


write_laserlogbook(file, data, mode)

file: char

absolute file path of the laserlogbook file.

data: struct

laserlogbook data.

mode: char

file creation mode.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

Picasso pre-process

lib.preprocess.pollyDTCor(sigI, mShots, hRes, varargin)

POLLYDTCOR deadtime correction for polly photon counting data.


[sigO] = pollyDTCor(sigI, mShots, hRes, varargin)

sigI: matrix (channel x height x time)

raw photon counting signal.

mShots: matrix (channel x time)

number of accumulated shots for each profile.

hRes: numeric

height resolution. (m)

pollyType: char

polly version. (default: ‘arielle’)

flagDeadTimeCorrection: logical

flag to control whether to apply deadtime correction. (default: false)

deadtimeCorrectionMode: numeric

deadtime correction mode. (default: 2) 1: polynomial correction with parameters saved in data file. 2: non-paralyzable correction 3: polynomail correction with user defined parameters 4: disable deadtime correction

deadtimeParams: numeric

deadtime parameters. (default: [])

deadtime: matrix (channel x polynomial_orders)

deadtime correction parameters.

sigO: matrix (channel x height x time)

deadtime corrected signal in photon count.

  • 2021-05-16: first edition by Zhenping

lib.preprocess.pollyPreprocess(data, varargin)

POLLYPREPROCESS Deadtime correction, background correction, first-bin shift, mask for low-SNR and mask for depolarization-calibration process.


[data] = pollyPreprocess(data)

data: struct
rawSignal: array

signal. [Photon Count]

mShots: array

number of the laser shots for each profile.

mTime: array

datetime array for the measurement time of each profile.

depCalAng: array

angle of the polarizer in the receiving channel. (>0 means calibration process starts)

zenithAng: array

zenith angle of the laer beam.

repRate: float

laser pulse repetition rate. [s^-1]

hRes: float

spatial resolution [m]

mSite: string

measurement site.

deltaT: numeric

integration time (in seconds) for single profile. (default: 30)

flagForceMeasTime: logical

flag to control whether to align measurement time with file creation time, instead of taking the measurement time in the data file. (default: false)

maxHeightBin: numeric

number of range bins to read out from data file. (default: 3000)

firstBinIndex: numeric

index of first bin to read out. (default: 1)

pollyType: char

polly version. (default: ‘arielle’)

flagDeadTimeCorrection: logical

flag to control whether to apply deadtime correction. (default: false)

deadtimeCorrectionMode: numeric

deadtime correction mode. (default: 2) 1: polynomial correction with parameters saved in data file. 2: non-paralyzable correction 3: polynomail correction with user defined parameters 4: disable deadtime correction

deadtimeParams: numeric

deadtime parameters. (default: [])

flagSigTempCor: logical

flag to implement signal temperature correction.

tempCorFunc: cell

symbolic function for signal temperature correction. “1”: no correction “exp(-0.001*T)”: exponential correction function. (Unit: Kelvin)

meteorDataSource: str

meteorological data type. e.g., ‘gdas1’(default), ‘standard_atmosphere’, ‘websonde’, ‘radiosonde’

gdas1Site: str

the GDAS1 site for the current campaign.

gdas1_folder: str

the main folder of the GDAS1 profiles.

radiosondeSitenum: integer

site number, which can be found in doc/radiosonde-station-list.txt.

radiosondeFolder: str

the folder of the sonding files.

radiosondeType: integer

file type of the radiosonde file. - 1: radiosonde file for MOSAiC (default) - 2: radiosonde file for MUA

bgCorrectionIndex: 2-element array

base and top index of bins for background estimation. (defaults: [1, 2])

asl: numeric

above sea level in meters. (default: 0)

initialPolAngle: numeric

initial polarization angle of the polarizer for polarization calibration. (default: 0)

maskPolCalAngle: cell

mask for positive and negative calibration angle of the polarizer, in which ‘p’ stands for positive angle, while ‘n’ for negative angle. (default: {})

minSNRThresh: numeric

lower bound of signal-noise ratio.

minPC_fog: numeric

minimun number of photon count after strong attenuation by fog.

flagFarRangeChannel: logical

flags of far-range channel.

flag532nmChannel: logical

flags of channels with central wavelength (CW) at 532 nm.

flagTotalChannel: logical

flags of channels receiving total elastic signal.

flag355nmChannel: logical

flags of channels with CW at 355 nm.

flag607nmChannel: logical

flags of channels with CW at 607 nm.

flag387nmChannel: logical

flags of channels with CW at 387 nm.

flag407nmChannel: logical

flags of channels with CW at 407 nm.

flag532nmRotRaman: logical

flags of rotational Raman channels with CW at 532 nm.

flag1064nmRotRaman: logical

flags of rotational Raman channels with CW at 1064 nm.

data: struct
rawSignal: array

signal. [Photon Count]

mShots: array

number of the laser shots for each profile.

mTime: array

datetime array for the measurement time of each profile.

depCalAng: array

angle of the polarizer in the receiving channel. (>0 means calibration process starts)

zenithAng: array

zenith angle of the laer beam.

repRate: float

laser pulse repetition rate. [s^-1]

hRes: float

spatial resolution [m]

mSite: string

measurement site.

deadtime: matrix (channel x polynomial_orders)

deadtime correction parameters.

signal: array

Background removed signal

bg: array


height: array

height. [m]

lowSNRMask: logical

If SNR less SNRmin, mask is set true. Otherwise, false

depCalMask: logical

If polly was doing polarization calibration, depCalMask is set true. Otherwise, false.

fogMask: logical

If it is foggy which means the signal will be very weak, fogMask will be set true. Otherwise, false

mask607Off: logical

mask of PMT on/off status at 607 nm channel.

mask387Off: logical

mask of PMT on/off status at 387 nm channel.

mask407Off: logical

mask of PMT on/off status at 407 nm channel.

mask355RROff: logical

mask of PMT on/off status at 355 nm rotational Raman channel.

mask532RROff: logical

mask of PMT on/off status at 532 nm rotational Raman channel.

mask1064RROff: logical

mask of PMT on/off status at 1064 nm rotational Raman channel.

  • 2018-12-16: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2019-07-10: Add mask for laser shutter due to approaching airplanes.

  • 2019-08-27: Add mask for turnoff of PMT at 607 and 387nm.

  • 2021-01-19: Add keyword of ‘flagForceMeasTime’ to align measurement time.

  • 2021-01-20: Re-sample the profiles into temporal resolution of 30-s.

lib.preprocess.pollyRemoveBG(sigI, varargin)

POLLYREMOVEBG remove signal background.


[sigO, bg] = pollyRemoveBG(sigI, varargin)

sigI: matrix (channel x height x time)

lidar signal.

maxHeightBin: numeric

number of range bins to read out from data file. (default: 3000)

firstBinIndex: numeric

index of first bin to read out. (default: 1)

bgCorrectionIndex: 2-element array

base and top index of bins for background estimation. (defaults: [1, 2])

sigO: matrix (channel x height x time)

background-substracted signal.

bg: matrix (channel x height x time)


  • 2021-05-16: first edition by Zhenping

Picasso quality control (QC)

lib.qc.olCor(sigFR, overlap, height, normRange)

OLCOR overlap correction.


sigCor = olCor(sigFR, overlap, height, normRange)

sigFR: matrix (height * time)

far-range signal

overlap: array

overlap function.

height: array

height above ground. (m)

normRange: array

signal normalization range. (m)

sigCor: matrix (height * time)

glued signal.

  • 2021-05-22: first edition by Zhenping

lib.qc.overlapCalc(height, sigFR, bgFR, sigNR, bgNR, varargin)

OVERLAPCALC calculate overlap function.


overlap = overlapCalc(sigFR, bgFR, sigNR, bgNR, height);

height: array

height above ground. (m)

sigFR: array

far-range signal. (photon count)

bgFR: array

background of far-range signal. (photon count)

sigNR: array

near-range signal. (photon count)

bgNR: array

background of near-range signal. (photon count)

hFullOverlap: numeric

minimum height with full overlap function for far-range signal (default: 600). (m)

overlapCalMode: integer

overlap calculation mode. 1: signal ratio between near-range and far-range channel 2: Raman method

overlap: array

overlap function. If no overlap function was calculated, overlap will be empty.

overlapStd: array

error of the overlap function. If no overlap function was calculated, overlapStd will be empty.

sigRatio: numeric

signal ratio between near-range and far-range signal.

normRange: 2-element array

height index of the signal normalization range.

  • 2021-05-18: first edition by Zhenping

lib.qc.pollyOLCor(height, sigFR, bgFR, varargin)

POLLYOLCOR overlap correction.


[sigOLCor, bgOLCor, olFuncDeft, flagOLDeft] = pollyOLCor(height, sigFR, bgFR)

height: array

height above ground. (m)

sigFR: array

far-field channel signal.

bgFR: array

far-field channel background

signalNR: array

near-field channel signal

bgNR: array

near-field channel signal

signalRatio: numeric

ratio between near-field and far-field signal.

normRange: 2-element array

normalization range (index) for signal ratio between near-field and far-field signal.

defaultOLFile: char

absolute path of default overlap file.

overlapCorMode: numeric

overlap correction mode. 0: no overlap correction; 1:overlap correction with using the default overlap function; 2: overlap correction with using the calculated overlap function; 3: overlap correction with gluing near-range and far-range signal

overlapSmWin: numeric

smoothing window for overlap function (in bins)

overlap: array

overlap function.

sigOLCor: array

overlap corrected signal.

bgOLCor: array

overlap corrected background.


default overlap function.


flag to determine whether default overlap function was applied in the overlap correction.

  • 2021-05-22: first edition by Zhenping

lib.qc.pollyOVLCalc(height, sigFR, sigNR, bgFR, bgNR, varargin)

POLLYOVLCALC calculate overlap function from polly measurements.


[olFunc, olStd, olAttri] = pollyOVLCalc(height, sigFR, sigNR, bgFR, bgNR)

height: array

height above ground. (m)

sigFR: array

far-field signal.

sigNR: array

near-field signal.

bgFR: array

far-field background.

bgNR: array

near-field background.

hFullOverlap: numeric

minimum height with complete overlap (default: 600). (m)

overlapCalMode: numeric

overlap calculation mode. (default: 1) 0: no overlap correction 1:overlap correction with using the default overlap function 2: overlap correction with using the calculated overlap function 3: overlap correction with gluing near-range and far-range signal

PC2PCR: numeric

conversion factor from photon count to photon count rate (default: 1).

olFunc: numeric

overlap function.

olStd: numeric

standard deviation of overlap function.

olAttri: struct
sigFR: numeric

far-field signal.

sigNR: numeric

near-field signal.

sigRatio: numeric

signal ratio of near-field and far-field signal.

normRange: 2-element array

normalization range.

  • 2021-05-20: first edition by Zhenping

lib.qc.pollySaturationDetect(data, varargin)

POLLYSATURATIONDETECT detect the bins which is fully saturated by the clouds.


[flag] = pollySaturationDetect(data)

data: struct

More detailed information can be found in docpollynet_processing_program.md

hFullOverlap: double

minimum height with full overlap (m). (default: 500)

sigSaturateThresh: double

threshold of saturated signal (photon count). (default: 500)

flag: logical matrix

if it is true, it means the current range bin should be saturated by clouds. Vice versa.

  • 2018-12-21: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-07-08: Fix the bug of converting signal to PCR.

lib.qc.sigGlue(sigFR, sigNR, sigRatio, height, normRange)

SIGGLUE glue near-range and far-range signal.


sigGl = sigGlue(sigFR, sigNR, height, normRange)

sigFR: matrix (height * time)

far-range signal

sigNR: matrix (height * time)

near-range signal.

sigRatio: numeric

ratio of lidar constants between near-range and far-range signal.

height: array

height above ground. (m)

normRange: array

signal normalization range. (m)

sigGl: matrix (height * time)

glued signal.

  • 2021-05-22: first edition by Zhenping

lib.qc.transCor(sigT, bgT, sigC, bgC, varargin)

TRANSCOR correct the effect of different transmission inside the Tot and depol channel.


[sigTCor, bgTCor, sigTCorStd] = transCor(sigEl, bgT, sigC, bgC)

sigT: array

signal in total channel.

bgT: array

background in total channel.

sigC: array

signal in cross channel.

bgC: array

background in total channel.

transRatioTotal: float

transmission ratio of perpendicular and parallel component in total channel.

transRatioTotalStd: float

uncertainty of the transmission ratio of perpendicular and parallel componnet in total channel.

transRatioCross: float

transmission ratio of perpendicular and parallel component in cross channel.

transRatioCrossStd: float

uncertainty of the transmission ratio of perpendicular and parallel componnet in total channel.

polCaliFactor: float

depolarization calibration constant.

polCaliFacStd: float

uncertainty of the depolarization calibration constant.

sigTCor: array

transmission corrected elastic signal.

bgTCor: array

background of transmission corrected elastic signal.

sigTCorStd: array

uncertainty of transmission corrected elastic signal.


Mattis, I., Tesche, M., Grein, M., Freudenthaler, V., and Müller, D.: Systematic error of lidar profiles caused by a polarization-dependent receiver transmission: Quantification and error correction scheme, Appl. Opt., 48, 2742-2751, 2009.

  • 2021-05-27: first edition by Zhenping.

Picasso retrievals

lib.retrievals.pollyAE(param1, param1_std, param2, param2_std, wavelength1, wavelength2, smoothWindow)

POLLYAE calculate the angstroem exponent and its uncertainty.


[angexp, angexpStd] = pollyAE(param1, param1_std, param2, param2_std, wavelength1, wavelength2)

param1: array

extinction or backscatter coefficient at wavelength1.

param1_std: array

uncertainty of param1.

param2: array

extinction or backscatter coefficient at wavelength2.

param2_std: array

uncertainty of param2.

wavelength1: float

the wavelength for the input parameter 1. [nm]

wavelength2: float

the wavelength for the input parameter 2. [nm]

angexp: array

angstroem exponent based on param1 and param2

angexpStd: array

uncertainty of angstroem exponent.

  • 2021-05-31: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollyConstrainedKlett(height, signal, SNR, refHeight, refBeta, molBsc, maxIterations, minLR, maxLR, AOD_AERONET, minAODDev, minHeight, minSNR, window_size)

POLLYCONSTRAINEDKLETT retrieve the aerosol backscatter coefficient with AOD constrain from AERONET.


[aerBsc, bestLR, biasAOD, nIters] = pollyConstrainedKlett(height, signal, SNR, refHeight, refBeta, molBsc, maxIterations, minLR, maxLR, AOD_AERONET, minAODDev, minHeight, minSNR, window_size)

height: array

height. [m]

signal: array

measured signal.

SNR: array


refHeight: 2-element array

reference height. [m]

refBeta: float

reference value. [m^{-1}sr^{-1}]

molBsc: array

molecular backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}*sr^{-1}]

maxIterations: integer

maximum number of the iterations.

minLR: float

minimum aerosol Lidar ratio. [sr]

maxLR: float

maximum aerosol Lidar ratio. [sr]


AOD measured by AERONET.

minAODDev: float

minimum deviation of AOD between Lidar and AERONET that can be tolerable.

LR: float

aerosol lidar ratio. [sr]

minHeight: float

minimum height for the full FOV. [m]

minSNR: float

minimum SNR

window_size: integer

smoothing window size.

aerBsc: array

aerosol backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}sr^{-1}]

bestLR: float

the best lidar ratio with the AOD deviation less that required.

biasAOD: float

deviation of AOD between lidar and AERONET.

nIters: integer

number of iterations to achieve the minimun AOD deviation.

  • 2018-02-03: First edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-03-29: Fix the bug of returning NaN for lidar ratio.

  • 2019-04-09: Screen out the negative backscatter coefficient during the calculation.

lib.retrievals.pollyFernald(alt, signal, bg, LR_aer, refAlt, refBeta, molBsc, window_size)

POLLYFERNALD retrieve aerosol backscatter coefficient with Fernald method.


[aerBsc, aerBscStd, aerBR, aerBRStd] = pollyFernald(alt, signal, bg, LR_aer, refAlt, refBeta, molBsc, window_size)

alt: array

height. [m]

signal: array

elastic signal without background. [Photon Count]

bg: array

background. [Photon count]

LR_aer: float or array

aerosol lidar ratio. [sr]

refAlt: float or 2-element array

reference altitude or region. [m]

refBeta: float

aerosol backscatter coefficient at the reference region. [m^{-1}sr^{-1}]

molBsc: array

molecular backscattering coefficient. Unit: m^{-1}*sr^{-1}

window_size: int32

Bins of the smoothing window for the signal. [default, 40 bins]

aerBsc: array

aerosol backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}*sr^{-1}]

aerBscStd: array

statistical uncertainty of aerosol backscatter. [m^{-1}*sr^{-1}]

aerBR: array

aerosol backscatter ratio.

aerBRStd: array

statistical uncertainty of aerosol backscatter ratio.


Fernald, F. G.: Analysis of atmospheric lidar observations: some comments, Appl. Opt., 23, 652-653, 10.1364/AO.23.000652, 1984.

  • 2021-05-30: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollyLR(aerExt, aerBsc, varargin)

POLLYLR calculate aerosol lidar ratio.


[aerLR, effRes, aerLRStd] = pollyLR(aerExt, aerBsc)

aerExt: numeric

aerosol extinction coefficient. (m^-1)

aerBsc: numeric

aerosol backscatter coefficient. (m^-1sr^-1)

hRes: numeric

vertical resolution of each height bin. (m)

aerExtStd: numeric

uncertainty of aerosol extinction coefficient. (m^-1)

aerBscStd: numeric

uncertainty of aerosol backscatter coefficient. (m^-1sr^-1)

smoothWinExt: numeric

applied smooth window length for calculating aerosol extinction coefficient.

smoothWinBsc: numeric

applied smooth window length for calculating aerosol backscatter coefficient.

aerLR: numeric

aerosol lidar ratio. (sr)

effRes: numeric

effective resolution of lidar ratio. (m)

aerLRStd: numeric

uncertainty of aerosol lidar ratio. (sr)


Mattis, I., D’Amico, G., Baars, H., Amodeo, A., Madonna, F., and Iarlori, M.: EARLINET Single Calculus Chain–technical–Part 2: Calculation of optical products, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 3009-3029, 2016.


2021-07-20: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollyPDR(volDepol, volDepolStd, aerBsc, aerBscStd, molBsc, molDepol, molDepolStd)

POLLYPDR calculate the particle depolarization ratio and estimate the standard deviation of particle depolarization ratio.


[parDepol, parDepolStd] = pollyPDR(volDepol, volDepolStd, aerBsc, aerBscStd, molBsc, molDepol, molDepolStd)

volDepol: array

volume depolarization ratio.

volDepolStd: array

standard deviation of volume depolarization ratio.

aerBsc: array

aerosol backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

aerBscStd: array

standard deviation of aerosol backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

molBsc: array

molecule backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

molDepol: scalar

molecule depolarization ratio. This value is highly dependent on the central wavelength and FWHM of the narrow IF in the depol channel.

molDepolStd: scalar

standard deviation of molecule depolarization ratio.

parDepol: array

particle depolarization ratio.

parDepolStd: array

standard deviation of particle depolarization ratio.


Freudenthaler, V., Esselborn, M., Wiegner, M., Heese, B., Tesche, M., Ansmann, A., Müller, D., Althausen, D., Wirth, M., and Fix, A.: Depolarization ratio profiling at several wavelengths in pure Saharan dust during SAMUM 2006, Tellus B, 61, 165-179, 2009.


2021-05-31: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollyRamanBsc(height, sigElastic, sigVRN2, ext_aer, angstroem, ext_mol, beta_mol, HRef, wavelength, betaRef, window_size, flagSmoothBefore)

POLLYRAMANBSC calculate the aerosol backscatter coefficient with Raman method.


[ beta_aer, LR ] = pollyRamanBsc(height, sigElastic, sigVRN2, ext_aer, ext_mol, beta_mol, HRef, wavelength, betaRef, window_size, flagSmoothBefore)

height: array

height. [m]

sigElastic: array

elastic photon count signal.

sigVRN2: array

N2 vibration rotational raman photon count signal.

ext_aer: array

aerosol extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]

angstroem: array

aerosol angstroem exponent.

ext_mol: array

molecular extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]

beta_mol: array

molecular backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

HRef: 2 element array

reference region. [m]

wavelength: integer

wavelength of the corresponding elastic signal. [nm]

betaRef: float

aerosol backscatter coefficient at the reference region. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

window_size: integer

number of the bins of the sliding window for the signal smooth. [default: 40]

flagSmoothBefore: logical

flag bit to control whether to smooth the signal before or after calculating the signal ratio.

beta_aer: array

aerosol backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

LR: array

aerosol lidar ratio.


netcdf-florian Ansmann, A., et al. (1992). “Independent measurement of extinction and backscatter profiles in cirrus clouds by using a combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar.” Applied optics 31(33): 7113-7131.

  • 2018-01-02: First edition by Zhenping.

  • 2018-07-24: Add the ext_mol_factor and ext_aer_factor for wavelength of 1064nm

  • 2018-09-04: Change the smoothing order. Previous way is smoothing the signal. This will create large drift at the signal ridges.

  • 2018-09-05: Keep the original smoothing order for 355, which makes the retrieving results at the far range bins quite stable.

lib.retrievals.pollyRamanBscStd(height, sigElastic, bgElastic, sigVRN2, bgVRN2, ext_aer, sigma_ext_aer, angstroem, sigma_angstroem, ext_mol, beta_mol, HRef, wavelength, betaRef, smoothWindow, nSamples, method, flagSmoothBefore)

POLLYRAMANBSCSTD calculate uncertainty of aerosol backscatter coefficient with Monte-Carlo simulation.

[ aerBscStd ] = pollyRamanBscStd(height, sigElastic, bgElastic, …

sigVRN2, bgVRN2, ext_aer, sigma_ext_aer, angstroem, … sigma_angstroem, ext_mol, beta_mol, HRef, wavelength, … betaRef, smoothWindow, nSamples, method, flagSmoothBefore)

height: array

height. [m]

sigElastic: array

elastic photon count signal.

bgElastic: array

background of elastic signal.

sigVRN2: array

N2 vibration rotational raman photon count signal.

bgVRN2: array

background of N2 vibration rotational signal.

ext_aer: array

aerosol extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]

sigma_ext_aer: array

uncertainty of aerosol extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]

angstroem: array

aerosol angstroem exponent.

ext_mol: array

molecular extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]

beta_mol: array

molecular backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

HRef: 2 element array

reference region. [m]

wavelength: integer

wavelength of the corresponding elastic signal. [nm]

betaRef: float

aerosol backscatter coefficient at the reference region. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

smoothWindow: integer or n*3 matrix

number of the bins of the sliding window for the signal smooth. [default: 40]

nSamples: scalar or matrix

samples for each error source. [samples_angstroem, samples_aerExt, samples_signal, samples_aerBscRef]

method: char

computational method. [‘monte-carlo’ or ‘analytical’]

flagSmoothBefore: logical

flag to control the smooth order.

aerBscStd: array

uncertainty of aerosol backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

  • 2021-07-16: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollyRamanExt(height, sig, lambda_emit, lambda_rec, angstrom, pressure, temperature, window_size, C, rh, method, measure_error)

POLLYRAMANEXT etrieve the aerosol extinction coefficient with Raman method


[ ext_aer ] = pollyRamanExt(height, sig, lambda_emit, lambda_rec, angstrom, pressure, temperature, window_size, C, rh, method, measure_error)

height: array


sig: array

measured raman signal. Unit: Photon Count

lambda_emit: float

the wavelength of the emitted laser beam.[nm]

lambda_rec: float

the wavelength of raman sigal.[nm]

angstrom: float

the angstrom exponent for aerosol extinction coefficient

pressure: array

pressure of the atmosphere. [hPa]

temperature: array

temperature of the atmosphere. [K]

window_size: integer

window_size for smoothing the signal with sgolay filter.

order: integer

order of the implemented sgolay filter.

C: array

CO2 concentration.[ppmv]

rh: array

relative humidity.

method: char

specify the method to calculate the slope of the signal. You can choose from ‘moving’, ‘smoothing’ and ‘chi2’.

measure_error: array

measurement error for each bin.

ext_aer: array

aerosol extinction coefficient [m^{-1}]



Ansmann, A. et al. Independent measurement of extinction and backscatter profiles in cirrus clouds by using a combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar. Applied Optics Vol. 31, Issue 33, pp. 7113-7131 (1992)

  • 2021-05-31: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollyRamanExtStd(height, signal, bg, lambda_emit, lambda_rec, angstrom, pressure, temperature, window_size, C, rh, nProfiles, method, measure_error)

POLLYRAMANEXTSTD calcualte uncertainty of aerosol extinction coefficient with Monte-Carlo simulation.


[ext_std] = pollyRamanExtStd(height, signal, bg, lambda_emit, lambda_rec, angstrom, pressure, temperature, window_size, C, rh, nProfiles, method, measure_error)

height: array


signal: array

measured raman signal. [Photon Count]

bg: array

background. [Photon Count]

lambda_emit: float

the wavelength of the emitted laser beam.[nm]

lambda_rec: float

the wavelength of raman sigal.[nm]

angstrom: float

the angstrom exponent for aerosol extinction coefficient

pressure: array

pressure of the atmosphere. [hPa]

temperature: array

temperature of the atmosphere. [K]

window_size: integer

window_size for smoothing the signal.

C: array

CO2 concentration.[ppmv]

rh: array

relative humidity.

nProfiles: integer

number of the generated profiles to calculate the uncertainty.

ext_std: array

uncertainty of aerosol extinction coefficient [m^{-1}]

  • 2021-07-16: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollySNR(signal, bg)

POLLYSNR calculate signal-noise ratio (SNR).


[SNR] = pollySNR(signal, bg)

signal: array

signal strength.

bg: array

background. (bg should have the same size as signal)

SNR: array

signal-noise-ratio. For negative signal, the SNR was set to be 0.

REFERENCES: Heese, B., Flentje, H., Althausen, D., Ansmann, A., and Frey, S.: Ceilometer lidar comparison: backscatter coefficient retrieval and signal-to-noise ratio determination, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3, 1763-1770, 2010.

  • 2021-04-21: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.pollyVDR(sigTot, bgTot, sigCross, bgCross, Rt, RtStd, Rc, RcStd, depolConst, depolConstStd, smoothWindow, flagSmoothBefore)

POLLYVDR calculate volume depolarization ratio.


[volDepol, volDepolStd] = pollyVDR(sigTot, bgTot, sigCross, bgCross, Rt, RtStd, Rc, RcStd, depolConst, depolConstStd, smoothWindow)

sigTot: array

signal strength of the total channel. [photon count]

bgTot: array

background of the total channel. [photon count]

sigCross: array

signal strength of the cross channel. [photon count]

bgCross: array

background of the cross channel. [photon count]

Rt: scalar

transmission ratio in total channel

RtStd: scalar

uncertainty of the transmission ratio in total channel

Rc: scalar

transmission ratio in cross channel

RcStd: scalar

uncertainty of the transmission ratio in cross channel

depolConst: scalar

depolarzation calibration constant. (transmission ratio for the parallel component in cross channel and total channel)

depolConstStd: scalar

uncertainty of the depolarization calibration constant.

smoothWindow: scalar or m*3 matrix

the width of the sliding smoothing window for the signal.

flagSmoothBefore: logical

flag to control the vol-depol smoothing whether before or after the signal ratio.

volDepol: array

volume depolarization ratio.

volDepolStd: array

uncertainty of the volume depolarization ratio


Engelmann, R. et al. The automated multiwavelength Raman polarization and water-vapor lidar Polly XT: the neXT generation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9, 1767-1784 (2016). Freudenthaler, V. et al. Depolarization ratio profiling at several wavelengths in pure Saharan dust during SAMUM 2006. Tellus B 61, 165-179 (2009).

  • 2018-09-02: First edition by Zhenping

  • 2018-09-04: Change the smoothing order. Smoothing the signal ratio instead of smoothing the signal.

  • 2019-05-24: Add ‘flagSmoothBefore’ to control the smoothing order.

lib.retrievals.pollyVDR2(sigTot, sigCross, Rt, Rc, depolConst)

POLLYVDR2 calculate 2-dimensional volume depolarization ratio for pollyXT system.


[volDepol] = pollyVDR2(sigTot, sigCross, Rt, Rc, depolConst)

sigTot: array

signal strength of the total channel. [photon count]

sigCross: array

signal strength of the cross channel. [photon count]

Rt: scalar

transmission ratio in total channel

Rc: scalar

transmission ratio in cross channel

depolConst: scalar

depolarzation calibration constant. (transmission ratio for the parallel component in cross channel and total channel)

volDepol: array

volume depolarization ratio.


Engelmann, R. et al. The automated multiwavelength Raman polarization and water-vapor lidar Polly XT: the neXT generation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9, 1767-1784 (2016). Freudenthaler, V. et al. Depolarization ratio profiling at several wavelengths in pure Saharan dust during SAMUM 2006. Tellus B 61, 165-179 (2009).

  • 2021-06-04: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.quasiRetrieval(height, att_beta, molExt, molBsc, LRaer, varargin)

QUASIRETRIEVAL Retrieve the aerosol optical properties with quasi retrieving method

[quasi_par_bsc, quasi_par_ext] = quasiRetrieval(height, att_beta, …

molExt, molBsc, LRaer)

height: array

height. [m]

att_beta: matrix

attenuated backscatter. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

molExt: matrix

molecule extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]

molBsc: matrix

molecule backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

LRaer: float

aerosol lidar ratio. [Sr]

nIters: numeric

iteration times.

quasi_par_bsc: matrix

quasi particle backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}Sr^{-1}]

quasi_par_ext: matrix

quasi particle extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]


Baars, H., Seifert, P., Engelmann, R. & Wandinger, U. Target categorization of aerosol and clouds by continuous multiwavelength-polarization lidar measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10, 3175-3201, doi:10.5194/amt-10-3175-2017 (2017).

  • 2018-12-25: First Edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-03-31: Add the keywork of ‘nIters’ to control the iteration times.

lib.retrievals.quasiRetrieval2(height, att_beta_el, att_beta_ra, wavelength, molExtEl, molBscEl, molExtRa, AE, LR, varargin)

QUASIRETRIEVAL2 Retrieve the aerosol optical properties with quasi retrieving method (V2). This method was improved from the quasi-retrieving method, which also takes use of the Raman signal.


[quasi_par_bsc, quasi_par_ext] = quasiRetrieval2(height, … att_beta_el, att_beta_ra, wavelength, molExtEl, molBscEl, molExtRa, … AE, LR)

height: array

height. [m]

att_beta_el: matrix

attenuated backscatter at elastic wavelength. [m^{-1}sr^{-1}]

att_beta_ra: matrix

attenuated backscatter at corresponding Raman backscatter wavelength. [m^{-1}sr^{-1}]

wavelength: integer

the wavelength of the elastic backscatter to guide to choose the suitable Raman wavelength. [nm]

molExtEl: matrix

molecule extinction coefficient at the Elastic wavelength. [m^{-1}]

molBscEl: matrix

molecule backscatter coefficient at the Elastic wavelength. [m^{-1}sr^{-1}]

molExtRa: matrix

molecule extinction coefficient at the Raman backscatter wavelength. [m^{-1}]

AE: float

Extinction related Angstroem exponent.

LR: float

aerosol lidar ratio. [sr]

nIters: numeric

iteration times.

quasi_par_bsc: matrix

quasi particle backscatter coefficient. [m^{-1}sr^{-1}]

quasi_par_ext: matrix

quasi particle extinction coefficient. [m^{-1}]

  • 2021-06-07: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.sigGenWithNoise(signal, noise, nProfile, method)

SIGGENWITHNOISE generate the noise containing signal with certain noise adding algorithm.


[signalGen] = sigGenWithNoise(signal, noise, nProfile, method)

signal: array

signal strength.

noise: array

noise. Unit should be keep the same with signal.

nProfile: array

number of signal profiles should be generated.

method: char

‘norm’: normal distributed noise -> signalGen = signal + norm * noise ‘poisson’: poisson distributed noise -> signal = poisson(signal, nProfile)

signalGen: matrix length(signal) * nProfile

noise containing signal.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

lib.retrievals.signalStd(signal, bg, smoothWindow, dimension)

SIGNALSTD The uncertainty of the signal with taking into account of background noise and additional smoothing.


[sigStd] = signalStd(signal, bg, smoothWindow, dimension)

signal: array

signal strength

bg: array


smoothWindow: scalar or matrix

the width of the smoothing window. If smoothWindow is a scalar, the width is fixed. Otherwise, the width of smoothing window is dependent of the height.

dimension: integer

the dimension which the smoothing is along with.

sigStd: array

uncertainty of the signal

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping

Picasso visualization


POLLYDISPLAYATTNBSC display attenuated backscatter.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYHOUSEKEEPING display housekeeping data.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYLC display lidar calibration constants.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.pollyDisplayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLYDISPLAYLTLCALI display long-term calibration results.




data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYPROFILES display (overlap-corrected) averaged profiles.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


pollyDisplayOL display overlap function.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYPOLCALI display polarization calibration results.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYPROFILES display averaged profiles.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYQSIV1 display quasi-retrieved prodcuts (V1)




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYQSIV2 display quasi-retrieved prodcuts (V2)




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYRCS display range corrected signal.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYSIGSTATUS display signal status.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYTCV1 display aerosol/cloud target classification mask (V1).




data: struct

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYTCV2 display aerosol/cloud target classification mask (V2).




data: struct

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYVDR display volume depolarization ratio.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYDISPLAYWV display water vapor products.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-10: first edition by Zhenping


POLLY_1ST_DISPLAYHOUSEKEEPING display housekeeping data.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.polly_1st_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLY_1ST_DISPLAYLTLCALI display long-term calibration results.


polly_1st_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)


data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLY_1V2_DISPLAYHOUSEKEEPING display housekeeping data.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.polly_1v2_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLY_1V2_DISPLAYLTLCALI display long-term lidar calibration results.


polly_1v2_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)


data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYXT_CGE_DISPLAYHOUSEKEEPING display housekeeping data.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.pollyxt_cge_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLYXT_CGE_DISPLAYLTLCALI display long-term lidar calibration results.


pollyxt_cge_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)


data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.pollyxt_cpv_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLYXT_CPV_DISPLAYLTLCALI display lidar calibration results.




data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYXT_DISPLAYHOUSEKEEPING display housekeeping data.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.pollyxt_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLYXT_DISPLAYLTLCALI display lidar calibration results.




data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYXT_DWD_DISPLAYHOUSEKEEPING display housekeeping data.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.pollyxt_dwd_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLYXT_DWD_DISPLAYLTLCALI display long-term lidar calibration results.


pollyxt_dwd_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)


data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping


POLLYXT_IFT_DISPLAYHOUSEKEEPING display housekeeping data.




data: struct

  • 2021-06-09: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.pollyxt_ift_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)

POLLYXT_IFT_DISPLAYLTLCALI display long-term lidar calibration results.


pollyxt_ift_displayLTLCali(data, dbFile)


data: struct dbFile: char

  • 2021-06-11: first edition by Zhenping

lib.visualization.subfigPos(pos, nRow, nColumn, xPad, yPad)

SUBFIGPOS calculate the normalized position of each subfigure.


[figPos] = subfigPos(pos, nRow, nColumn, xpad, ypad)

pos: 4-element array

[left, bottom, width, height]

nRow: integer

number of the total rows. (default, 1)

nColumn: integer

number of the total columns. (default, 1)

xPad: numeric


yPad: numeric


figPos: matrix

returned postition of each subfigures. The first figure is the top-right one and as followed by from left-to-right and top-to-base.

  • 2018-11-09: First edition by Zhenping

  • 2019-12-15: Enable set the x-y padding.


UPDATE_COLORMAP Update user defined colormaps.


[status_colormap, TC_colormap] = update_colormap()

status_colormap: matrix

color table for the signal status plot.

TC_colormap: matrix

color table for the aerosol target classification plot.

  • 2021-06-13: first edition by Zhenping